苦工 疲劳中释
相关例句I am happy enough to pay my respects to Streep, who even came out into the garden for a quick fag with us, but pay respect to the woman she portrays?.我很高兴向斯特里普表示我的尊敬,她甚至在快节奏的劳累之后,还跟我们一起出现在花园里,可是,是向她所饰演的角色表示尊敬吗?
苦工 疲劳中释
相关例句I am happy enough to pay my respects to Streep, who even came out into the garden for a quick fag with us, but pay respect to the woman she portrays?.我很高兴向斯特里普表示我的尊敬,她甚至在快节奏的劳累之后,还跟我们一起出现在花园里,可是,是向她所饰演的角色表示尊敬吗?