稳健的 温和的 适度的 中等的 有节制的英释
相关例句Even moderate amounts of alcohol can be dangerous..喝酒即使不多也会有危险。
a moderate degree of success.一定程度上的成功
a student of moderate ability.能力一般的学生
Moderate exercise, such as walking, is recommended..建议适度锻炼,比如散步。
Bake the pie for 30 minutes in a moderate oven..馅饼用中火烘烤30分钟。
moderate to strong winds.中到大风
They are hoping that once in office he can be persuaded to moderate his views..他们希望他一上台后就能他说服,使他的观点变得温和些。
相关短语moderate price,公平价格;公道价格
moderate temperature,中等温度
moderate intensity,中等强度
moderate climate,温和气候
moderate size,不大不小
moderate rainfall,适度降雨量;中等雨量
moderate rain,中雨