优先 优先权
相关例句The club’s priority is to win the League..该俱乐部首先考虑的是要赢得联赛。
After several burglaries in the area, security is now a high priority (= very important and needing attention soon ) ..该地区发生了几宗入室盗窃案以后,治安成了当务之急。
With so little money available, repairs must remain a low priority (= not important and not needing attention soon ) ..可用的钱这么少,只好暂时放下维修事宜了。
The customer is high on our list of priorities ..顾客在我们的心目中排在第一位。
List your tasks in order of priority (= most important first ) ..按照轻重缓急列出你的工作。
相关短语give priority to优先考虑;认为优先
top priority最优先的
first priority最优先;绝对优先权
high priorityn. 高优先级
higher priority较高优先级
low priority低优先级
lower priority次重要优先项目(或问题)
priority mail优先邮件(美国邮政的邮件类型之一,在邮件分检系统内享有优先处理的特权)
order of priority优先秩序,轻重缓急次序
priority date优先日期
priority level优先等级
priority control优先级控制
priority queue优先排队
priority setting制定优先次序;优先级设立
according to priority依次
relative priority相对优先求偿权
elderly persons priority scheme共享颐年优先配屋计划
历年真题真题例句...They give priority to relationships...CET42017.6阅读理解
真题例句...but he added that doctors' first priority should be with the patient...第二套CET42014.6阅读理解