相关例句The plane’s tail section was found in a cornfield..飞机的尾部在玉米田里找到了。
the smoking section (= where you can smoke ).吸烟区
相关短语cross section,横截面
in this section,在这部分;本节内容
cesarean section,剖腹产术
section steel,型钢
section chief,部门主管
thin section,[生]薄片;薄剖面;薄切片
golden section,[数]黄金分割
radar cross section,雷达截面,雷达目标有效截面
control section,控制部分;控制段;控制节
vertical section,垂直切面,纵断面
caesarean section,[医]剖腹产;剖腹产术
special section,n. 特殊型钢,异型钢材
horizontal section,水平截面;水平切面;水平断面;水平剖面
paraffin section,石蜡切片
transverse section,横切面
test section,测试区;试验管段
rectangular section,矩形剖面
circular section,圆截面
heavy section,大型钢材
section office,科室
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