感情 情绪英释
相关例句the spread of nationalist sentiments.民族主义情绪的传播
the anti-immigrant sentiments expressed by some Americans.一些美国人表露出的反移民情绪
相关短语market sentiment,市场情绪;市场气氛;市场人心
public sentiment,公众意见;公众的情绪
moral sentiment,道德情操
历年真题真题例句...But the consumer sentiment index remains weak...第二套CET62013.6阅读理解
真题例句...preliminary data showed that the consumer sentiment index had fallen this month to lower than it was in November 2008...第二套CET62012.12阅读理解
真题例句...Political sentiment is notoriously changeable: What if things begin to go wrong for Obama...CET62010.6阅读理解